Micro-Loan Pilot Program Success Stories

Helping small business with big ideas is precisely why the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program was created.

New businesses create new employment opportunities; and both directly benefit the Cape Breton – Unama’ki economy. That is why the Cape Breton Partnership and Sydney Credit Union have joined together to offer a new and exciting pilot micro-lending program for female entrepreneurs.

Under the Micro-Loan Pilot Program, female entrepreneurs from across Cape Breton – Unama’ki were eligible to apply for a loan of up to $10,000. Due to the success of the 2020 Pilot Program, we will be introducing a 2021 Micro-Loan Program in November 2021.

Click below to learn more about amazing success stories within the Micro-Loan Pilot Program!

1.) House of Ferments

2.) Natasha LeBlanc Counselling

3.) Thoughtful Changes